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The Joys of Training Pants

When it is finally time for training pants, no one blames parents for celebrating. Kanga Care makes great one size cloth diapers, but they are still diapers, and you have still been changing them around ten times a day for the years since your baby was born. It is time to let your baby take that big step towards independence!

Ecoposh Training Pants

Our Ecoposh line makes not only cloth diapers but a wonderful line of training pants! They are made from recycled water bottles, bamboo and organic cotton with a fit that is easy for toddlers to pull up. Ecoposh pants have two layers of absorbent bamboo and organic cotton in the core along with a hidden panel of TPU. The TPU is waterproof and allows for accidents without big upsets, because potty training needs to be fun in order to be successful. Diaper covers can be used during nap times, and later, even overnight, although most parents prefer to continue with one size cloth diapers for overnights until there are no daytime accidents happening.

It’s a Challenge For All Involved

Toilet training is a challenging time for both parents and toddlers. Parents have their own expectations and the (sometimes misguided) advice and expectations of everyone around them to contend with. Let’s face it, a parent’s job gets much easier once there are no more cloth diapers to change and to wash. Each child is different, and they do not follow anyone’s schedule but their own. The best a parent can do is provide the proper tools, explanation, motivation, and opportunity, and then patiently repeat the important instruction and encouragement until the child gets the hang of it.

“Grown Up Pants” Are a Reward in Themselves

Even if you have been using disposable diapers, when training your little one, it's best to use cloth. The use of “pullups” that are disposable fails to let the child feel the difference between diapers and pants. Potty learning is quite the learning process, and by letting the child become immediately aware of their error and correct it themselves, parents will help them learn faster and understand the concept of self-care and responsibility sooner. Lil Learnerz features IMWET TECHNOLOGY! This feature lets your toddler feel wet when they have had an accident. This helps them learn more about their body and aids in the potty learning process. Lil Learnerz are breathable and soft with a hypoallergenic layer that rests against your child's skin. We rejoice with you as your baby becomes a big girl or boy who can use their very own training pants!