What detergent can I use to wash my cloth diapers?
At Kanga Care, we continually spend a lot of time and effort testing different detergents, so you don’t have to! We know that choosing the right detergent can seem tricky, between products marketed directly to cloth diapering families, eco-friendly options, homemade soaps, and your more common options such as Tide. We are here to break it all down for you!
Understandably, many families strive to minimize the chemical usage in their home, and this is often what brings them to the cloth diapering world. The truth of the matter is that not all detergents are made the same, and sadly this leaves many eco-friendly options falling short. Without the proper enzymes and surfactants to clean human waste, we have found some of these detergents do not truly get diapers clean, leaving behind excessive staining or can lead to diaper performance issues in the long run.
Also read: How often do I need to wash my cloth diapers?
What are Enzymes and Surfactants?
Enzymes and surfactants are natural substances that play a vital role in breaking down human waste, making them essential for thoroughly cleaning diapers.Surfactant molecules possess two ends, with one end being attracted to dirt and the other to water. When surfactants encounter a soiled surface, such as dirty diapers, one end of the surfactant attaches itself to the dirt. Later, when water is introduced into the washing machine, the other end of the surfactants attach to the water, allowing the soil to be pulled out of the diaper and washed away.
Enzymes, also naturally occurring, are responsible for breaking down the proteins, fats, and oils present in waste without the need for scalding hot temperatures. This enzymatic action not only aids in effective stain removal but also helps prevent new stains from forming.
Enzymes enhance the performance of surfactants, essentially making the surfactants' job much easier. Together, they form the ideal combination of molecules for effectively removing waste from diapers, ensuring they are thoroughly cleaned while remaining undamaged.
What Enzymes are needed?
In order to effectively clean human waste, we strongly recommend that the detergent you choose contains at least two of the following enzymes, simply stating an “enzyme blend” in the ingredients is not sufficient.
- Amylase: Breaks down and dissolves all starches
- Mannase: Breaks down organic waste and acts as a catalyst for other enzymes
- Lipase: Breaks down and dissolves the molecular structure of all fat and grease
- Protease: Feeds on and dissolves organic waste
What Surfactants can effectively clean?
Surfactants are essential in removing debris from fibers once enzymes have initiated the breakdown process, and they are equally important as enzymes in this regard. It's worth noting that most detergents include surfactants because they are indispensable for the effectiveness of the detergent. Keeping this in consideration, here are some common examples of surfactants you can look for on an ingredient list, although there is a wide variety to choose from.
- Sodium Stearate
- Benzenesulfonate
- Docusate
- Alkyl Ether Phosphates
- Benzalkaonium Chloride
I saw a deterrent saying “cloth diaper safe”, but they are not in your approved list?
More times than not, homemade or other laundry soaps do not have the correct enzymes and surfactants and are not effective in cleaning cloth diapers. Oftentimes marketing companies will unfortunately try to benefit off of parents, and the cloth world is no different. Just because a detergent is marketed for cloth diapers, does not make it true. As we mentioned above, you will want to ensure that it has adequate enzymes in order to fully wash away the human waste. There are also a few things that you want to avoid, such as:
- Petroleum (fabric softener added detergents will have this), this is an oil that will cause repelling.
- Sodium Cocoate (or other cocoates), this is a natural fabric softener and will cause repelling.
- Unbuffered sodium metasilicate, this causes chemical burns to the skin after being soiled on.
Other products to steer clear from and refrain from using laundry additives like Borax or Bac-out to wash your Kanga Care products. Here's why:
- Borax: While effective as a cleaning agent, Borax can be too abrasive for cloth diapers and may lead to damage, thereby voiding your warranties. It has a pH-neutralizing effect, which can address odors but may not effectively clean human waste. Proper enzymatic detergents are essential for thorough cloth diaper cleaning.
- Bac-out: Although Bac-out neutralizes odors, it does not tackle the underlying issue when used on cloth diapers. It's important to use detergents with appropriate enzymes to ensure your cloth diapers are properly cleaned.

Approved Detergents:
Selecting the right detergent and avoiding these problematic ingredients is crucial for maintaining the longevity and functionality of your cloth diapers. By making informed choices, you can ensure that your cloth diapering experience is both effective and hassle-free.
Through our diligent testing, we have found that the below detergents work best for cloth diapers and will be safe for your Kanga Care products:
- Tide: Any Tide except: Tide Simply, Tide with Downy
- Gain: All Gain except: Gain with fabric softener added
- Persil: All Persil
- Dreft: All Dreft
- Seventh Generation Ultra Power Plus
Can I use boosters in my cloth diaper load?
There are approved boosters you can incorporate into your cloth diaper washing regimen to make the process more effective. As with detergents it is important to use approved boosters to properly maintain the cleanliness and longevity of your cloth diapers. Our team rigorously tested these enzyme boosters to ensure their efficacy and safety in cleaning cloth diapers, particularly in regions with hard water. Enzyme boosters play a crucial role in breaking down stubborn stains and odors, enhancing the overall performance of diaper laundering.Only use the below boosters with an approved laundry detergent:
- Biz - For those dealing with hard water issues, Biz can be a game-changer. It's an enzyme booster that can help combat mineral buildup in hard water. Here's how to use it effectively.
- Oxiclean - a versatile booster that can help remove stains and brighten your cloth diapers. However, it should not be used to cover up problems in your wash routine. Here's how to use it safely.
- Dirty Labs Bio Enzyme Laundry Booster - A 4 in 1 advanced stain remover. This booster is designed to remove stains with a hyper-concentrated powder. Many choose this option for its mineral and biobased ingredients that eliminates harsh chemicals, fillers and toxins.
- Branch Basics Oxygen Boost - This multipurpose booster that can be used to not only clean your home but whitens and brightens. No dyes and fragrance this option can be great to have on hand for those wanting a non-toxic, hypoallergenic option for an enzyme booster.
- Scent Boosters: Downy unstoppables, Purex Crystals, Gain Fireworks, etc. - Boosters should never be used to mask or cover up odors. If you're experiencing an odor problem with your cloth diapers, it's essential to address it separately by reaching out to us at hello@kangacare.com.
*NOTE: It is important to note that while Kanga Care approves the use of these enzyme boosters we advise against using detergents from these companies in diaper wash routines as they do not properly get your cloth diapers clean.
Is Vinegar Suitable for Washing Cloth Diapers?
While vinegar may be recommended for addressing urine buildup on cloth diapers or as part of a daily washing routine, we advise against incorporating vinegar into your regular cloth diaper washing process at Kanga Care. This caution stems from the acidic nature of vinegar, which can have adverse effects on cloth diapers constructed with laminate and elastic materials.
Utilizing vinegar in your cloth diaper wash routine may accelerate the aging process of the TPU laminate (the waterproof exterior layer) and the elastic found in all our cloth diapers and covers.
Due to the delicate nature of Bamboo fibers and the acidic nature of vinegar we do not recommend using vinegar on your Bamboo 6r soakers, prefolds or flats at all. When using vinegar over time, you will damage the fibers making them brittle and essentially reducing the absorbency of your cloth diapers.
The only Kanga Care cloth diapering items that can safely be washed with vinegar are hemp and microfiber inserts. It's important to note that in this case, vinegar should not be diluted. Instead, it should be applied directly before washing, following the Kanga Care recommended wash routine.
Have a detergent you would like tested?
If there is a detergent that you are interested in trying and curious if it will work please, email us at hello@kangacare.com and we would be happy to review it!