First Friday Birth Story! This month: Autumn Beck and her baby boy, Finley
We love birth stories! Each one is unique and amazing. If you'd like to share yours, you can use the button below to submit it. We will read (and probably cry) over each one, and then post one on the first Friday of every month!
Mama: Autumn Beck
Baby: Finley
Due Date: Sunday, January 13, 2013
Birthday: Thursday, January 17, 2013
Visit her blog!
I never imagined I would have an unbelievable birth story to share. I prayed for an easy, fast birth- who doesn’t- but didn’t really think it was something my body could do.
On Wednesday, January 16th, I began feeling different enough to tell my husband, Michael, that a baby would be here by Friday. Nothing painful or distracting but I could feel that dilation was occurring. I had had a cough for the past few days and I knew that was the reason for the strong Braxton Hicks I was feeling.
I slept well (such a relative term) that night and woke up on Thursday at about 7:30am. I didn’t feel much different than the day before except that now the “contractions” were a little more uncomfortable. I put contractions in quotes because I really never thought of them as that. They were only concentrated in my cervix, no back or uterus pain.
I texted Michael, who was in a Greek Exegesis class, and told him to come home after class. I knew that would be about 10:30 and I could parent the kids from bed no problem.
I also sent a text to my prayer warriors just to let them know that today was probably the day. Honestly, I sent it thinking that sometime much later in the day I would say “this is it."
The text was sent at 8:21am as I was heading upstairs. I figured it would be a good idea to go upstairs to my bed and lay down just because I felt tired. By the time I got to the top of the stairs I felt like I needed to use the restroom. I headed to the potty and tried to go. It was a very odd feeling because I was trying to go but pushing hurt. I just figured it was because the baby was much lower.
Once I went I thought all was good. Then I got up and it hit--a real contraction! I moaned and had a moment of panic because I had never experienced a real contraction on my own. Michael had always been there for the hard part. I told God I couldn’t do it alone. As soon as it was over I quickly texted Michael “Come now!” (8:24am)
The next contraction started less than a minute later. I knew I needed to change positions so I went on hands and knees. Once there I thought “maybe if I just push it will help." I was in complete shock when I realized that pushing made the baby move a LOT. I put my hand down to figure out what was happening and felt the bag of waters and half the head! At this point I pushed the whole body out! (8:27am)
I kept thinking that (a) this didn’t really happen, and (b) this baby must have the smallest head! There was no pain in pushing, the only pain came down my legs when I stood during the first contraction.
I then yelled for Haley (10 year old daughter) who was already on her way up after hearing my growl. I told her to grab the baby and wrap it up. Once the baby was wrapped up Haley held him until I could turn over and take him.
At this point I snapped a few photos and sent one to Michael. He was completely shocked! It had only been 6 minutes since I texted him to come home!!
I then called Renee (midwife) and said, “I know this is crazy, but I just had the baby.” She was more shocked than Michael. Renee told Haley how to get me comfortable on the floor until she got there.
The kids and I talked about how crazy it was that I had just had the baby! CRAZY! The last they knew, which was just 10 minutes earlier, I was going upstairs to rest, and then they heard me cry out. I am so glad Haley wrote out her story and is old enough to remember all of that day's events. What a blessing this has been to all of us!
Michael got home a little before 9am. The kids ran down when they heard the garage door open and said “Daddy jumped over the front of the van!” I can only imagine what was going through his head as he was driving home.
Michael checked the gender and announced that we had a boy, like he expected it to be. Of course, we didn’t have a boy’s name picked out!
Renee arrived about 10 minutes after Michael and I was finally able to deliver the placenta and Haley cut the cord.
I don’t think I stopped laughing about this whole story until late afternoon. NEVER did I think a birth like this could be part of my story.
By lunch Michael and I decided on the name Finley Nathaniel. I have always loved the name Finley and Nathaniel means “given by God." He certainly was given by God as was his blessed birth.
Morning after conclusion: Whether you have a fast or slow, hard or easy labor you still feel like you’ve been hit by a train the next morning.
Many readers have asked if my previous five births were fast. Absolutely not! This is what makes Finley's birth all the more unbelievable for me. I have very long and painful transitions that typically last around 3-4 hours. Praise the Lord for His mercies in this birth! I'm not counting on having another birth THIS good but I am so grateful for my shockingly fast and unexpected birth of #6!
-Autumn Beck
Homebirthing mommy to Haley (my birth helper), Haven, Paisley, Sterling, Camden and Finley.
Thanks for sharing your absolutely incredible story, Autumn! We are so thankful that everything went so smoothly in spite of the circumstances. Give Haley a high five from us for being such a great helper! All our love to all of the Becks!!
Mama: Autumn Beck
Baby: Finley
Due Date: Sunday, January 13, 2013
Birthday: Thursday, January 17, 2013
Visit her blog!
I never imagined I would have an unbelievable birth story to share. I prayed for an easy, fast birth- who doesn’t- but didn’t really think it was something my body could do.
On Wednesday, January 16th, I began feeling different enough to tell my husband, Michael, that a baby would be here by Friday. Nothing painful or distracting but I could feel that dilation was occurring. I had had a cough for the past few days and I knew that was the reason for the strong Braxton Hicks I was feeling.
I slept well (such a relative term) that night and woke up on Thursday at about 7:30am. I didn’t feel much different than the day before except that now the “contractions” were a little more uncomfortable. I put contractions in quotes because I really never thought of them as that. They were only concentrated in my cervix, no back or uterus pain.
I texted Michael, who was in a Greek Exegesis class, and told him to come home after class. I knew that would be about 10:30 and I could parent the kids from bed no problem.
I also sent a text to my prayer warriors just to let them know that today was probably the day. Honestly, I sent it thinking that sometime much later in the day I would say “this is it."
The text was sent at 8:21am as I was heading upstairs. I figured it would be a good idea to go upstairs to my bed and lay down just because I felt tired. By the time I got to the top of the stairs I felt like I needed to use the restroom. I headed to the potty and tried to go. It was a very odd feeling because I was trying to go but pushing hurt. I just figured it was because the baby was much lower.
Once I went I thought all was good. Then I got up and it hit--a real contraction! I moaned and had a moment of panic because I had never experienced a real contraction on my own. Michael had always been there for the hard part. I told God I couldn’t do it alone. As soon as it was over I quickly texted Michael “Come now!” (8:24am)
The next contraction started less than a minute later. I knew I needed to change positions so I went on hands and knees. Once there I thought “maybe if I just push it will help." I was in complete shock when I realized that pushing made the baby move a LOT. I put my hand down to figure out what was happening and felt the bag of waters and half the head! At this point I pushed the whole body out! (8:27am)
I kept thinking that (a) this didn’t really happen, and (b) this baby must have the smallest head! There was no pain in pushing, the only pain came down my legs when I stood during the first contraction.
I then yelled for Haley (10 year old daughter) who was already on her way up after hearing my growl. I told her to grab the baby and wrap it up. Once the baby was wrapped up Haley held him until I could turn over and take him.
I then called Renee (midwife) and said, “I know this is crazy, but I just had the baby.” She was more shocked than Michael. Renee told Haley how to get me comfortable on the floor until she got there.
The kids and I talked about how crazy it was that I had just had the baby! CRAZY! The last they knew, which was just 10 minutes earlier, I was going upstairs to rest, and then they heard me cry out. I am so glad Haley wrote out her story and is old enough to remember all of that day's events. What a blessing this has been to all of us!
Michael got home a little before 9am. The kids ran down when they heard the garage door open and said “Daddy jumped over the front of the van!” I can only imagine what was going through his head as he was driving home.
Michael checked the gender and announced that we had a boy, like he expected it to be. Of course, we didn’t have a boy’s name picked out!
Renee arrived about 10 minutes after Michael and I was finally able to deliver the placenta and Haley cut the cord.
I don’t think I stopped laughing about this whole story until late afternoon. NEVER did I think a birth like this could be part of my story.
By lunch Michael and I decided on the name Finley Nathaniel. I have always loved the name Finley and Nathaniel means “given by God." He certainly was given by God as was his blessed birth.
Morning after conclusion: Whether you have a fast or slow, hard or easy labor you still feel like you’ve been hit by a train the next morning.
Many readers have asked if my previous five births were fast. Absolutely not! This is what makes Finley's birth all the more unbelievable for me. I have very long and painful transitions that typically last around 3-4 hours. Praise the Lord for His mercies in this birth! I'm not counting on having another birth THIS good but I am so grateful for my shockingly fast and unexpected birth of #6!
-Autumn Beck
Homebirthing mommy to Haley (my birth helper), Haven, Paisley, Sterling, Camden and Finley.
Thanks for sharing your absolutely incredible story, Autumn! We are so thankful that everything went so smoothly in spite of the circumstances. Give Haley a high five from us for being such a great helper! All our love to all of the Becks!!