Fraud Blocker First Friday Birth Story! This month: Carrie Cline and her baby girl, | Kanga Care

First Friday Birth Story! This month: Carrie Cline and her baby girl, Eva

We love birth stories! Each one is unique and amazing. If you'd like to share yours, you can use the button below to submit it. We will read (and probably cry) over each one, and then post one on the first Friday of every month! 

Mama: Carrie Cline
Baby: Eva
Due Date: Saturday, July 7, 2012
Birthday: Sunday, July 8, 2012

On 7/7/12 (Eva's due date) I woke up with very irregular contractions, so I went about my day. We had a birthday party to attend for my son's friend in the afternoon. My contractions had amped up a bit, but I had already told him about the birthday party and he was looking forward to it, so we went anyway. About an hour into the party my water broke. My husband, who was very anxious, rushed us home! The contractions didn't get any more regular, they were sometimes 10 mintues apart and sometimes as little as 2 minutes apart. My doula assured me that it was normal for early labor.

I was GBS positive so my midwife told me that I needed to be to the hospital by 9pm to start the antibiotics. By the time we got there I was definitely feeling stronger contractions. My midwife wanted to put off an exam because my water was already broken and at my appointment the day before I was already 2cm. I labored for about 2.5 hours using a birthing ball, leaning on the bed, rocking with my husband, etc. By around 11:30 things got real! I asked to be checked and asked that they set up the waterbirth tub. I was 5cm! I used the hospital tub while they got the birthing tub ready. The water was great. Soon after getting in the water, the contractions got super intense. I moved to the birthing tub and labored for about another 1.5 hours or so and was checked again. 9cm!

Around 1:45 I felt as though I was overheating, so I asked to get out of the tub. I went to the bed to relax a little. By this point I was so in my own world! About 20 minutes later my midwife checked me again and I was complete. At 2:04am I was given the go ahead to start pushing and at 2:06am with one contraction and 2 pushes, my sweet Eva was born!

Thanks, Carrie, for sharing your story with us! Eva is such a darling little peanut. Sending all our love!

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